Name and Surname: Thato Matitoane
Business: Bead up

Tell us about your business?

Here I make bead necklaces and bracelets.

What inspired your entrepreneurial activities?

My mom loved beadwork, she made and sold her beadwork. I fell in love with it and now my make my own pieces and sell them.

What are the biggest challenges you face in your business?

I sometimes run out of the plastic bag I use for packaging, and because not many people buy my work, I’m too low on cash to stock up.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I want to see myself sending off my work to other parts of the country, I’d love to see them on necks of influencial people.

How can customers contact you?

Call or Whatsapp: 065 917 0369
Facebook: Thato Matitoane

Bead up