16 06, 2020

7 things to consider in preparing for a post-Covid world

2020-06-18T10:04:57+02:00June 16th, 2020|Articles for Teens|

The Covid-19 pandemic has profoundly disrupted life as we know it. Crucially, it is disproportionately affecting our youth and driving up our already dire youth unemployment rate. South Africa’s future relies on the collective contribution that our youth are going to make to business and society...

5 06, 2020

This Is Why You Should Invest In Gold As An Entrepreneur

2020-06-05T14:57:20+02:00June 5th, 2020|Articles for Teens|

As an entrepreneur you probably already have your head screwed on right and know a thing or two about business and finances. You will have written out a business plan before starting out in the business world, or barring that, you will have created a discernible outline of how you would like to run your business as it starts up.

18 05, 2020

Kids Can Be Entrepreneurs Too!! (Pay Attention School Administrators)

2020-05-18T10:45:06+02:00May 18th, 2020|Articles for Teens|

In this post, I am going to bring that point to life with a case study on Brendan Cox, a 19-year-old entrepreneur I recently met, that has founded 10 different successful businesses to date, which collectively grew his $900 loan from his mother into $250,000 of profits today.

15 05, 2020

Surround yourself with friends, family and mentors who feed your flame 

2020-05-14T11:41:04+02:00May 15th, 2020|Articles for Teens|

Perhaps there is truth in the Indonesian proverb that states that "a firm tree does not fear the storm." In a hurricane, it helps to be grounded and surrounded by people who will look out for your good, encourage, protect and support you. When the winds of life howl, you'd better have an army of [...]

6 02, 2020

Being Mindful of Mindfulness 

2020-02-06T16:07:21+02:00February 6th, 2020|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

You may have heard the term ‘mindfulness’ being thrown around by now. It is, after all, the most prominent trend and buzzword in the world of psychology, health, and wellness at the moment. The question is, what does mindfulness actually mean? And how can being more mindful help you in your daily life, both inside [...]

10 12, 2019

Be the change. Be involved. Be a part of our 50/50 Campaign for future entrepreneurs

2019-11-27T16:55:05+02:00December 10th, 2019|Featured Articles, Projects|

Everyone has a story to tell. For future entrepreneurs, this story is still being scripted. What would you give for a second chance to do it all over again? While you may or may not have a chance to rewrite your story, you can still play a vital role in the narratives of our future [...]

24 09, 2019

DATES TO DIARISE Another great year; another Grand Finale! 19th October

2019-09-21T15:36:41+02:00September 24th, 2019|Featured Articles, Upcoming Workshops|

Consider this to be the last battle cry. It is calling louder and clearer than ever before. In modern society, it can be compared to the last decisive 100m where victory is close, but oh so far away. This is it. All the preparations, aspirations and planting of teen boss seeds come down to this. [...]

10 12, 2018

Easy Guidelines for Creating and Running SA Teen Entrepreneur Societies

2018-12-10T09:04:20+02:00December 10th, 2018|How To Articles|

SA Teen Entrepreneur societies are all about promoting growth, great ideas, inspiration and collaboration. If you are keen to create a society at your school, doing so is easy with the help of our straightforward blueprint below. Step 1: Registration The first thing that you will need to do is identify a Champion Teacher who [...]

3 12, 2018

Entrepreneurial Spirit but Failing School? Here’s What You Need to Know

2018-11-12T07:31:03+02:00December 3rd, 2018|Articles for Teens|

Got the entrepreneurial spirit but not doing so well in school? Fear not. It is still possible to succeed… and it is still possible to get a degree. Here’s how. Create Structure and Routine Most students who aren’t achieving the marks that they hope to are struggling because their lives lack structure and routine. Time [...]

26 11, 2018

Not all champion teachers are created equal; here’s why

2018-11-12T07:25:39+02:00November 26th, 2018|Featured Articles|

Champion teachers are at the frontline of grooming tomorrow’s impact entrepreneurs. Dedicated teachers will tell you that teaching is so much more than a job, it is a calling. The commitment and influence of SA’s teachers came to the fore at the Grand Finale that took place on 20 October 2018 at the Southern Sun [...]

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